AGAINST THE CLOCK b y ==-->>Blackwolf<<--== D E F I A N C E Running time: FOREVER!!!!! (or 3:02, whichever you choose!) This was originally done for a CD-ROM but I had problems getting it to the person in charge. I guess FTP's across the Pacific shouldn't be attempted as much, huh...:> This is my best song so far I tried to create something fast that STAYED fast, and something that after the song you would still be humming the main tune. Did I succeed? You tell me... Greetz: Quare...No wait, HE forgot to greet ME in his last t00n so I won't greet him. Neurosis,Zer0,RangerRick, PeriSoft,Scoobs,Alternate Prism,CCCatch,Khyron, Basehead,Maelcum,Necros, Lowrider,Cerulean,Beaner, KXMode,Hadji,MusicMan, Skaven,Leviathan,Snowman, Ryan Cramer,Darth,King Arthur,Lord Pegasus,Other local folks and people in #trax who aren't annoying. w00w00 :> Comments/Suggestions/Flames VERSION 1.1: - Piano sample was tuned - Increased BPM from 125 to 136